Monday, April 23, 2007

Getting Sidetracked

Spinning Star Handpieced Block
It is not like I do not have enough projects in the works. Someone posted one patch quilts on the quilting forum and I just fell in love with this spinning star. In fact I was so enamoured by it that I spent a couple of hours today making a template and testing it out. It is a little 3 x 4 inch unit with nice gentle interlocking curves. Each piece just fits to the neighboor. The photo is just a simple unit. If I were to make a bunch of these they would all fit together into a wonderful quilt. I think this is going to me my new take along project when I jsut want something mindless and simple.


QuiltingFitzy said...

OH! This is yummy, I'd love to do one in cobalt blue and if I need another project, lol.

Nicely done.

Jmtan6 said...

Oh I love this! I would like to try to make one too! I am a beginner.... where do I start?