I am back form my holiday. We had a wonderful time in Southern California and even made it to the beach one day. This is where I was playing with trying to catch a good photo of a seagull in flight. I think the one above might even make a neat quilt. On the way home we stopped at the Grand Canyon which is one of my favorite places. We decided to stay the night and went out early the next morning to see the sunrise.................it was glorious.
With each new year I like to reflect o the past year and then look forward to the new year and set some goals. For 2009 I have some specific goals for my quilting and art. First of all I really want to offer my blog readers more and am going to try to add regular tutorials. I do love teaching and sharing and look forward to seeing some photos in the future of things made by others that were inspired by tutorials.
Another goal is organization. My sewing studio is worse than bad. It was dubbed by my family as the messiest room in the house (I is really a total disaster). Yesterday I finally go in there and spent a few hours beginning to clean and organize. I actually made a big dent in the mess but it is not a one day fix. I will be continuing to clean and then organize. The goal is to have my entire workspace both the upstairs studio and the longarm studio organized by March 1. There is allot of work to do be done to achieve this. I will share some after photos and maybe a few in progress ones.
This year I really need to get a handle on my UFOs (for you non crafters this is a term used to describe "unfinished objests"). I am going to cateloge all of them and try my best to finish as many as is possible. The good news is that I have alot of finished top only needing quilting and binding.
I also want to start a few show quilts for this year and play with some new techniques. This will be really fun and I am very excited about some things I have planned.
What are some of your goals?
Hi, Firstly Nice Blog (Haven't gone through the whole of it though.)
Im from India, my grandmother passed away recently, leaving behind a lot of sarees. Ive been meaning to make and use quilts from these,by my own hand as a remembrance. Ive been scrounging the net on a tutorial, or guide for making saree quilts but haven't found any. Could you please guide me in making saree quilts please. I have a basic sewing machine at home, but am a complete novice at Stitching. I just wanted to make some basic quilt no ornate stuff, something easy. ----- dr.rishimantri@gmail.com
Hiya, Ami.
I've created a Projects List in my word processor as a way of keeping track of UFOs, projects and ideas. I've been trying, with varied success, over the years (yes, *years*) to work from this List instead of making the newest quilt/project featured in current magazines & books. :-)
My Project List is divided into 5 sections, because that is what works for me. I also have a column where I write down what needs to be done next for that project.
1. UFOs. tops, mostly completed tops and mostly completed UFOs.
2. Kits & tops that need more piecing. These tops are slightly different from the UFO category in that are mostly *not* completed.
3. Specific designs with fabric pulled & bagged. For these I already have the fabric and/or patterns/ideas. Sometimes the ideas are my sketches & notations. The main thing here is that all the fabric/ideas/notes/instructions is kitted up and ready to go.
4. Ideas/Designs only - no fabric. These are projects flagged in magazines, retail quilt patterns bought and my ideas/sketches. This category has no specific fabric in mind.
5. Fabric only - no idea what to do with it. This is some splendid focus fabric I couldn't live without; blocks & fabrics from swaps that I did without a clear idea of how to use them; pre-printed panels.
My main problem as been to keep this list updated as new stuff occurs to me. I can see where I have checked off quite a few items on this list but I know doggone well that there are *many* projects that have never made it to the list!
So while it may look as though I'm getting a handle on my UFOs, etc ... if you look at my studio, you'd see I am being slightly delusional. :-) It's probably time to *take* some time to update the list, which would involve some organization of the studio ... not a bad idea.
The downside is that I know that List will be longer than it is now .. and it looked so GOOD being short! :-)
However, I do strongly advise making your own Project List, if for nothing else, to categorize and organize your projects so they don't get lost.
good luck! ;-)
Heh did you answer your doctor friend?
It's a bit of a wierd request to show up here. And his blog is all about body organs.
He should just sent the fabric to a shelter.
I think that would be the kindest thing to do.
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