
Friday, October 3, 2008

Oh My Gosh!!!

Last night on the way home from town my hubby called on my cell phone. He asked if I wanted to hear the good news first or the bad news first. Well being a very practical person I wanted the bad new first because it would be followed by good news and thus end on a good note. Ok so the bad news was the my daughter was out of her lunch account at school. Well that was not so bad. Now I was ready for a little bit of good news. Since the bad news was a small thing the good news would likely also be some little thing.....................................wrong!!!!! Turns out the group quilt I quilted Oregon Shores is a finalist at the HOUSTON INTERNATIONAL QUILT FESTIVAL!!!!!!!!! Oh my gosh.............................I sure hope I do not wake up and realize it is just a dream. I have never entered Houston before and was just happy that we got juried into the show much less are going to get a ribbon. Now to see what place we got........................can you see the huge smile on my face!!!!


  1. O.M.G.

    Ami, wasn't it just last week that you starting LA quilting? :-)

    This is awesome, fantastic, incredible news! I am simply in awe of your dedication and perseverance and practice/practice/practice! It obviously has paid off in spades. :-)


    (can I have your autograph?) ;-)

  2. I was hitting the next button on the artful quilters blog ring (which I never do) and was scrolling down and saw your post about Houston. I too have a quilt I entered in the group category that won a prize! What a coincidence...Are you going to Houston? If so, I will look for you at the winners circle. If not, I will be happy to take a photo for you.
