Yes I know it is now officially Fall but I have decided to name my quilt "Ode To Spring". This is the one I was working on a couple of weeks ago and it is now done. This quilt is really all about the quilting. The top, which is fairly small just 31x31 was a class sample I made for a class I taught about 9 years ago. It is a paper pieced pineapple block in a 12" size. I played with Electric Quilt and came up with the arrangement of colors so decided to piece the top with the fun arrangement. Well the top has just been languishing in my UFO pile until I recently decided it was small and might be something fast and fun to finish on my longarm. I tried some new things with this top. I used metallic thread on the longarm for the first time. It will defiantly not be the last time I use it either. I also tried a feather border technique I have admired on other quilts. I marked the spine of the feathers and did the rest freehand. The stencil in the middle was something that Sherry Rodgers Hammerstein on the APQS forum showed us a couple of years ago. I ordered one and it has been sitting unused since. Well there it is and I will defiantly use it again. Basically this was just for fun.
The only disappointment was that I entered it in our guild show at the State Fair. The awards are viewers choice. I was told by the people that went to the show that the lighting, well there was no lighting. I was also given an apology when the quilts were returned at the meeting on Monday for my quilt being hung with an incorrect category. Well it was really about the quilting and I guess if nobody could see the quilting and it being hung with the wrong group it did not win anything. I guess I will always wonder if it might have won something had it gotten better lighting and been hung with the rest of the category.
Absolutely beautiful!!
oh my goodness..its GORGEOUS!!! And I know its even more impressive in person...can't wait to see it.
Silly people for putting it in the wrong place...It gets 'Best In Show' in my book.
It's AWESOME! Fantastic quilting
What an awesome quilt and quilting!! I LOVE it! Yes, those small shows do have issues with the lighting... I've run into this, too.
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