
Monday, June 30, 2008

I Feel Like The Hare In Alice In Wonerland!

Yep seems like since I have been back from my trip it is just go, go go! I have been trying desparatly to get it all done and feel like it is all a juggling act. I have indeed gotten caught up on my quilts for everyone else and have three more projects that need quick attention and then I think I am back to my schedule again.

The Oregon Coast quilt is back for a few more stitches here and there. Yesterday I was looking at it loaded and while stitching I decided to unstitch a couple of elements and do them again but a little better. This is the quilt destined for Houston if they accept it and the deadline for it is looming. Well last night I spent a good deal of time frogging one part and today I will unstitch another part and restitch those. I hope that I can get those done today so I can send this one off to the person in our group that will do the binding and hanging sleeve.

With all of this activity and trying to juggle family I am really wanting to pull out UFO's of my own and quilt them. I have decided to work on one I pieced years ago. It was some Kansas Troubles blocks that I was going to use for the class sample for a scrap quilt class. The class never happened. I pulled it out a couple of years ago and added another round of bone colored solid with a swatooth border. I have the center on point so there are some really large bone triangles and a nice wide bone border to do some spectacular quilting. I think I am finally ready to tackle that. I have been doodling feathers the last few days and jsut need to design that quilting space and get it marked on the quilt. I am planning machine trapunto!

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