I think I am finally out of the quilting funk! I have been in a rut. I had a large sampler on the machine and was just frozen. Well I finally took it off..................thank goodness for zippered leaders. I put on the vintage quilt that I had to do major repairs on. The borders were really wavy so I took them off and reattached them. There were some places where there was no seam..........................yep gaps, so I fixed those. I also had to remove the sashing from the center of the quilt and reattach that as it was puckered! Lots of work but it was done over several days over a week ago. I used my new Quilt EZ baptist fan and wow what a difference that made to the look of that top. I had to do some fussing as there were places the quilt just did not lie flat.................it does now!!!!!!!
The photo is the before it was quilted.................I have to take an after photo.
So now I have another quilt ready to go.......................with a 14 foot table I have the backing loaded and it is pretty close to the sides. I hope to get this one done over the next two or three days. The worst is that the sampler has to go back on too.
With all this I am trying to keep going with my applique border and did work on it a bit yesterday. No way I will do an entire corner like last week. I will try to keep at it though and make progress. My goal on this is to enter it somewhere so the sooner it is done the better.
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