
Friday, July 11, 2008

Another Row

This is my latest round in the Row Robin I am participating in. The way these row robins work is that in our group (we have seven people) each person makes a row of a specified length. Our group decided on a 48 inch width for each row. Then we pass the row to the next person and they add a new row. Then to the third person who adds a row and so forth. The rows then go back to the first person who arranges them in whatever order they like and finishes up their quilt. These are Ellen's rows. She is defiantly an overachiever. The three top feathered stars are her inspiration row.The next row was done by Hilda and added a wonderful compliment to Ellen's stars. Then the bottom row is the one I made. I love these stars and love to use them in lots of different quilts. Well I hope that Ellen likes them when this comes back home to her. Now I have to figure out what I am going to do for Pat's Row Robin which is already here waiting for my row.

The Sampler

When my friend Ellen asked me to do this quilt I was really excited. To see a large picture simply click your mouse on the photo and you will get a larger view. Samplers are pretty fun to do as each block is different, which means that each block can be quilted differently. I really had fun with this one. This is also the first time that I tried to do echo quilting around applique and I just loved the way those applique blocks came out. The sashing was all done with feathers and the help of one of my wavey rulers to do the spines. Then the final border was a place to play with my new grid boards from Quilt EZ.